sweet and sour

Leland shook his head. He believed in fate and luck, and none of the existing packs was his destiny, he knew that much. When he found the right one, or at least one that would be worth fitting on for size, he would know. None of them were home though, he knew that much, but he did not voice that opinion. If Firefly felt one needed to live there first and decide later, then perhaps she was right as well. Different ways worked for different people, he was not one to try to tear down another’s way of life, even if it did not work for him.

Smiling at her question, he shook his head. "I wouldn’t change a thing. If I did, why I wouldn’t be where I am today. I’m quite content with my life now, even if I wusn’t always happy with the past. " Leland turned his bi colored eyes to those of the female, searching more intently. He knew that perhaps she didn’t really want to share, but she had given him an opening, and he would take it. As gently as possibly, Leland voice the question, knowing that she had a much more in detail answer than he had provided. "What would ya do ov’er?"


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