Bury me six feet under.
[html]Hruuh, toughie. Hybrid's going to let her go, and we can pretend Samael ran after her, snapping at her? They could threaten to come back one day and kill her maybe? Force her to live in fear! That sound good?

He wasn't done yet. Although he acknowledged Corona's question, grinning quietly in response, he still had much, much more work to do. Rather than taking this child's life away (for that would be too easy a victory), he would take her soul instead. The girl had thrashed and fought, but the deed was done and she would undoubtedly become the very creatures she detested so much. It would be useless to kill her now-- not while she had both Samael's and Corona's blood flowing in her and changing her. Murdering her would be too easy, too simple, and would make all the work a waste. He glanced back over at Corona, offering her a sly grin, wondering if she would know what it meant.

Instead, they would leave her for dead, break her will, and promise to find her again. They would finish it later, continue this soon. She would soon cloak her mind in fear and use her ignorance and bigotry to hate both shifters and coyotes. But they would find her again and make her hurt, make her relive the entire ordeal again. But they didn't need to kill her then. Even if she died naturally, or by someone else's hands, the wounds would be much, much greater.

"The greatest honour I now have is the one to promise you this: we will find you again and we will make you feel this again. You will live your life as a luperci. Maybe one of us will find you; maybe all of us. If you thought death was the only thing to look forward to, you now have us as well." He grinned. His grin widened as he saw Samael smirk as well. Hybrid glanced over at Corona, nodding pointedly. He and Samael stepped away, backing up quickly so she wouldn't be able to lash out at them. For a few moments, there was silence. Then Samael uttered, "sweet dreams, my princess," and it was over.

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