Eaten with Loneliness

Wow. That was certainly unexpected!

The story that she told to share with him was the stuff of nightmare. She had eaten children. Surrounded by people who preferred to push pressure off of themselves and onto her shoulders, she had been pushed to some kind of breaking point, where she had either snapped, or whatever good in her was finally put under enough stress for something darker to emerge. In that moment, as she sobbed, he acquired a better understanding of the thing that had looked out at him from behind her eyes; the thing that, like her, longed to see another wolf, and had found it in him.

For a moment, he remained quiet. Her display of emotions made it clear that conflict raged within her mind, that she too was disgusted by what she had done. She had recoiled from this for long, it would seem, and finally confronted in in front of him, the first wolf she'd seen in months. He had a brief recollection of Fly, whose inner demon had slain his mate and child. He had learned later that it had in fact been another spirit alive inside him, unlike VoidFane who had suffered true insanity. What was he looking at now? His eyes were open a fraction wider than they had been before.

"Why are you telling me this? I can't drop it just like that. If everything you said was true, why would you eat them?" His voice was still low, he was not yelling at her, but there was obvious incredulousness in his words. It didn't make sense. He had seen mercy killing, had performed it. He had slain fallen foes as they sought to rise and killed from behind in the heat of battle; nothing but a duel had any room for honor or rules once the fighting had begun. But...consuming children? There was no mercy in that death. There was no sympathy. Something didn't add up.

"You did this to revenge yourself upon the alphas for their crimes?" He understood how someone could be driven to the brink by such terrible leadership...he himself did not tolerate handing his own fate and honor to the hands of an irresponsible or honorless leader. Forced away from your family by bigger wolves, forced to do the dirty work that they did not wish to do. He could understand had she tried to escape. The act she described, though, spoke of insanity.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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