sweet and sour

Leland shrugged at the girl who was unhappy with his honest answer and also unhappy with his question. The question wasn’t unfair, unoriginal perhaps, but not unfair. There had never been a rule stating that one could repeat the same question, but there also hadn’t been a rule that states one could not repeat the same question. Yet she answered it and Leland smiled sympathetically at the girl. Promises were broken all too often, and yet here was one who had kept her promise and suffered all the more for it. Leland suffered because of a broken promise, but he did not say so. It was better not to think of that at all.

"Well, I’m sticking around because I think that maybe there is something here fer me, I jus’ haven’t found it yet. Maybe it’s not in one of the packs." It was true, it felt like something was calling to him here on some days, but on others Leland did wonder why he didn’t pack up and leave. If he didn’t find it soon enough it would be time to move on, but Leland had a feeling that kept him sticking around, just for a while longer. "I suspect that you, too, have a reason fer sticking around here. There’s gotta be something holding you here besides yerself, otherwise you’d have left if yer so miserable here. So what is it? Why do you stay?"


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