note taking
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Sorry for the wait! I didn't realize this was replied to.


Jefferson snorted, hardly sparing the black miscreant a glance. "A truce, maybe," he muttered simply, shrugging his shoulders as he continued on. It wasn't like he enjoyed making enemies or finding faults in others, no. More precisely, he chose to dislike those who were clearly nobody he would get along with in the first place. It normally took quite a bit of effort and time for this brute to truly despise someone, just as it was hard for Jefferson to develop friendships as well. The hybrid knew that Lucifer, like any other living, breathing thing, was not a horrible creature at heart, but that was besides the point. Because of his sorry ass and whatever miseries he's committed in the past, Jefferson had gotten stuck with yet another responsibility of watching him. It wasn't like Lucifer was making that easy.

"You don't like me," the hybrid continued apathetically, "and I don't like you. If anything, we can agree on that." He snorted disgustedly. "I have to keep an eye on you either way. I'd get out of that if I could, but it's late as hell now." He stopped, now pointing his sharp green eye in the dark-furred wolf's direction. "If you'll stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours. That's considering you don't do anything stupid, though. How's that?" His voice was sarcastic, but what he said was what he meant.


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