what's made milwaukee famous - p anu


Sunshine had become a rare commodity that past few weeks. It was if the round orb was teasing them, giving just a little and then stealing all its warmth away from them in a moment. Anu was sure that her god would produce the light needed for her garden to grow the spring months, but she prayed that he would give her just enough warmth to rid her body of winter’s chill.

The green thumbed wolfess was forever content with fixing the yard, tending to Haven’s pumpkin patch or just playing in the soil. Even with the dreary weather she found joy in the tasks. Outside the mansion had begun to look more landscaped the longer she resided with in the Crimson Dreams boarders. There was much to do before the real winter hit, and she spent many of her mornings tending to the long list.

Interruption came, in the form of her friend. The gray female approached her with a weary posture, one that was far from necessary for the fey. It had been odd that when she ran off during their first meeting, but Anu had brought up fresh wounds and sensitive subjects. It was only natural for her to have been upset. She gave an understanding smile and decided they should forget it ever happened, for now at least.

Lets go! Brushing her hands against her legs she wiped most of the dirt away. It would be nice to do something different for a change, and the to-do list could wait. I think you’ll like it. What Geneva needed was a distraction, and Anu was very whiling to give it.


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