light it up
The wash of the waves as they cracked the ice and reformed was a strange yet beautiful sight to see. Somehow she felt that she could relate to the destruction and reformation of the seemingly solid yet frail frigid thing. Her eyes were half closed as she could hear the moan of the sea as it rode over and under the ice. She knew once the bay was solid that the echoing groans of the sea wanting her harbor would be the only sound in the silence howling out night and day. The woman's mind was drawn away from the haunting thoughts as another entered the scene.

Firefly opened her orbs as the scent of Mew seemed to flood her senses. She narrowed her eyes as she realized who it was, she'd never actually met the sister of Haku face to face but from every brush by and pause in time they'd been forced to stand in the same moment she could see the emotions of the other woman clear as day. She'd never done anything at all to harm the woman but it was more than apparent that she wasn't liked by the other Sadira. She turned her head slightly to watch the form of the other, when she turned to leave Firefly closed her eyes once more and just gave up acting like she didn't care. "Mew?" She called softly, her eyes fluttering back open as she watched the form other the other, wondering just why she'd come this far to just leave... not stopping to think that maybe the location had been what she sought, not the figure sitting there.

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