Bitter for Sweet

Yay! Hello Smile

push it inIt was awkward reading in her unshifted form, the lady had always known this and yet she still had not bothered to shift into her bipedal form, she was comfortable in her four pawed form for once, a rare thing for Soran, it was true that it made hunting easier, but usually she enjoyed being able to climb the stairs without any trouble and to be able to use her opposable thumbs. This was one of those times, one of those times when she needed her hands really, to be able to hold the book open and to turn the pages with ease, but she was making do with resting a paw on either side of the book, holding it open, her nose almost pressed to the faded aging pages as she scanned the neat black ink that this story was written in, turning the pages gently with her teeth, using a tenderness for this old book that was normally reserved for when she had carried Conri by the scruff of his neck when he had been small, no bigger than Salem or Haven.

push it inThe ebony had been reading for quite some time, her dreams having woken her suddenly, she had found herself shaking and gasping for breath as she watched that little red pup dance around her ankles, that little red boy that she had killed the perfect mix of herself and Hollow, the abomination that had forced her to do something she was sure she would have never done, to take the life of an innocent, a child, she wished beyond anything that she had never done it, but nothing could bring him back, nothing could change what had happened. And nothing would make it right, not that she was out of her mind, in agony and turmoil, not that he was a product of a rape, that was not his fault, nor was it his fault that he looked too much like his father and her, too much like a blend of them to be allowed to live. The lady had forced her window open hard and leant her head out into the freezing rain, and now she lay on the bed, chilled zephyrs billowing through the open pane, bringing with them fine droplets of water, cooling her fevered fur, she was always too hot after she had had a nightmare, especially one as vivid and cruel as that one had been.

push it inSoran was getting tired of reading in this form, her neck aching from having to constantly move to turn the pages, and so she stood up on her large bed, letting the book fall closed, moving to pull the window colsed with her teeth. It was time for an explore she was sure, she had yet to meet many of her packmates and she half hoped that she would meet her granddaughters, having now met bother her grandsons, the glorious pair, one as jet black as her and one as red as his father, it made her smile to see them. She was delighted that she loved them already, unsure that she would, after all she had found it hard to love her younger children, but this was so easy, like breathing, she loved them already, even Mati and Brooklyn who she had not yet met, she was sure she'd love them as well.

push it inThe lady mused over this as she padded down the stairs, wandering absent mindedly, poking her head around doors as she went, finding the rooms empty, perhaps it was too early for the others to be around yet, but yet she still wandered, wondering if perhaps they had all gathered somewhere for an early morning meeting or the like. The fae nudged her way into the kitchen, instantly spying the small grey fae as she entered the room. She smiled, glad to have finally found someone, especially as it was a new face, someone new to talk to. Slowly she cleared her throat, before calling out in a soft voice, "Erm... hello there." She hovered in the doorway slightly awkwardly, waiting for permission to enter the room.


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