this fury is mine and it keeps me alive
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Yeah, maybe fade this one out and then make a new one back at the mansion? They could chill in the library and Apollo could play her some music?

Piano. That word did seem to perhaps ring a bell in her head. Had she heard Jazper call the instrument that once? She wasn't sure. Though she certainly was intrigued by the excitement that Apollo showed. "Perhaps it is. How would you describe a piano? Maybe then I can confirm whether or not that is what's in the mansion." Savina found herself hoping it was one as well. It would be yet another reason for the young man to visit his old home.

Her head tilted to the side a bit and her eyes looked into the gloomy sky. Had she been going anywhere? The femme didn't think so. Oftentimes she just wandered around the lands with no particular goal or destination in mind. She just wanted to see what was to be seen. "No, not really. I was simply exploring." She shrugged her shoulders as her gaze came back to her ghostly-hued friend. At his last question her eyes lit up and her tail swayed in the breeze. "Of course! That sounds like a wonderful idea!"


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