Secret Santa Exchange 2008!
Character the set is for: Zana Avaya Lykoi

Age: 2 months (pupp)

Appearance: (Including eye color, fur color, fur pattern, special markings) lavendery/greyish eyes, red gold fur with black saddle, cream underbelly with silver toes/shoes and black speckles on chest along belly and upper part of legs. (Don't have to do the speckles or whatever if it's too hard too much, I'm not that picky)

Extras: coyote/wolf hybrid, looks more coyote. I tend to use pictures of Charlie the coyote (look up Coyote pup and Charlie on goole) for her pup pictures, but anything can be used I guess

Specific things you'd like for your set? Anything really, she's gonna be brainwashed that wolves aren't good! She's already rather confused. I want silver/grey/lilac as her colors for the table/text. A just txt signature would be good.. and whatever lyrics you'd want.. I can't think of any right now.. will edit this if can
Where should we send your Secret Santa Exchange Info when names are randomly handed out? PM my Iskata Account.

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