To gather and provide
Sorry about the wait -- it's good to finally be able to post again without the host playing dead on me.

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“Fairly new, I guess you could say. I've only been here about a week,” he said, smiling broadly. My name is Valentine, and I thought you might be one of the Kali's. If you would have had red hair I might have mistaken you for Fatin.” Of course, her bi-coloured eyes would have thrown him off-guard too, but they were pretty. Not really something one saw every day, although it seemed like he had seen a few of them even in his short existence back in Bleeding Souls. “If you don't mind me asking, how are you related?” Putting together that family tree of Jaded Shadows was tricky, given that one person's mate was another person's child while being a grandmother to someone else was… well… crazy. But crazy enough that he certainly liked it.


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