the war is endless; roaring forever
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Pendzez could feel the pain in his feet that were still bleeding after stepping on the pebbles. If he thought before coming here, he would wore something on his feet, or would have asked for some rags. Pendzez sat down beside the female, placing his spear in the ground next to him. His feet were in such pain, he needed to get the weight of his upper body off them. It would be too much pressure on them.

Pendzez looked at Allegro as she looked out unto the quarry. He too looked out, but with pain was interrupting his watch. "You would happen to have any rags, or bandages with you?" The male lifted his feet up to show why he needed one of the things he asked. He looked at them as his left foot dripped with tiny drops of blood. They were minor cuts, but he had to dress them with something.


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