coat-hanger halos
Noon. After another unsuccessful hunting, Catherine saw herself walking to a sandy ground. Astonished, she looked up stunned. "How the heck did I ended up her?!" - She thougt, surprised. Her last memory of this beach was of a dark, moonless night. The salt water smell filled her nose, the calming sound of the waves cuddled her ears, the sea wind blowed in her face and through her long hair, disarranging it a little.
But, for her surprise, the salt water smell hided another smell: the smell of smoke and of meat. Meat... her stomach nearly growled with that scent... She almost could taste it in her mouth. Taking a look around, she sees a light pall of smoke come yards away showed the location of the fire.
She could say that there was a Luperci over there: who else would do such a fire? A quick look at the ground: heavy paws walked in this beach not long ago... this Luperci might be very strong or very fat.
Getting crazy with the possibility of having a friend, she stared at the spot where the fire would be blankly. She howled a sharp and long howl, trying to call the anonymous Luperci's attention. She walked swiftly the same trail the Luperci did, howling again.
Hoping a civilized conversation, she got closer and closer, keeping howling to the mysterious werewolf.

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