Haunt Me Every Day
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Her tail lay limply behind her, a sign of her mood. Siobhan was very thin, but her fur was thick and bushy; her tail made a light, feathery track after her as she went. She wasn't sure where she would sleep tonight, but she'd have to rest up a bit before she headed back up to where Ezekiel and his father. She knew that she couldn't go too much farther, even if she wanted to. She would have to stop eventually.

But she wanted to clear this are first. There was some strange sort of presence to these lands, and it was beginning to freak her out a little bit. Maybe it was the fact that she was outside of Inferni, though, outside of lands where she was comfortable. She was probably just scaring herself.

She finally came to a halt, sitting down in the cold snow, her tail coming to curl firmly around her front paws. It was impossible; this whole entire trip was impossible. She was so stupid--of course she wouldn't be able to find the city all by herself. She was tiny! And these lands took many days to cross. Oh...Ezekiel was probably really worried about her. She hated to make him feel sad, hated to make him worry. She looked guiltily back toward the direction that she thought Inferni lay in, then back ahead. Maybe she would never get all the way back home again. What if she just ended up walking around and around over and over again, and never found her way back? The thought made her shake a little and she sniffled, putting her head down.

A sudden sound jolted her out of her thoughts. What was it?! She jumped up and managed to get a few feet away before she realized what she was doing, and she turned just as quickly back around to him, her fur puffing up defensively. You leaves Siobhan alone! You bully!! Bully!! She shouted. Ezekiel had told her all about bullies.

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