listen all of y'all it's a sabotage

we prey as wolves among the sheep
and slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep

He emerged from the mansion, blinking at the brilliant sun as it reflected off of the white covered landscape. The sky itself had a light grey sheen to it, only making it seem brighter. However, after only a few moments in the winter wonderland, Apollo’s mismatched eyes had adjusted fine. He trailed down the expansive lawn of the mansion, venturing past the white picket fence where he had often met Savina for lessons in Italian. In one hand, he subconsciously twirled his knife, tossing it just lightly into the air and catching it without hesitation as he wandered further into Crimson Dreams territory.

After about a half hour of wandering on his own, Apollo easily picked out the blur of orange against the endless white. The pup was one that he didn’t know personally, but had seen running around Crimson Dreams since he had decided to stay. Sheathing the knife into one of his front pockets (though the handle was blatantly obvious) he approached Haven, raising a brow at the pup’s dipped head as dirt spurted out from underneath his paws. "Diggin’ for worms?" He chuckled, grinning at the youth.


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