Joining ^^

She hadn't gone out much since joining the tribe, mostly sticking around the denning area, but tonight she'd felt the urge to roam. Ember was used to going out at nighttime and almost preferred it over the day. At night she could get around much easier; her pelt was as dark as she shadows that she took to hiding in, and she used it to her advantage. Some nights she found animals, other nights she found things that were much more interesting.

Tonight looked like one of those nights. The female had been tailing the other for quite a while, since her arrival into the area around their borderline, watching what she was doing carefully. As long as the wolf didn't come into their lands Ember was content to just sit back and watch. The stranger hunted and ate, something that she found a little odd (why so close to a group's territory?) but not disrespectful. Catherine wasn't inside the tribelands, after all. But as soon as the other female came into the border Ember began her slow approach.

A sudden howl ripped through the air, and her ears went up. It was very early in the morning; surely this wolf didn't expect that someone would come out here to see her at this hour. It was pure luck that Ember had been unable to sleep and was out in the border.

She approached slowly, four paws bringing her to a halt in front of the stranger."It's a little early for that kind of thing. But I'm you might as well tell me what you want."


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