holding me, morphing me, forcing me to strive - j

Ember looked up toward the sky, then back down at the ground again. It looked like it was getting ready to snow again, from the tint of gray overhead, something that she wasn't prepared for. She still hadn't found any clothing yet, not the good warm kind, and each night it felt like it took longer and longer for her to get dry and warm. She was considering looking for the materials to make a fire and then designing a den that could handle having a flame inside of it; that would solve her warmth problem.

She crested the hill that she had been climbing, then began her descent. She wasn't really sure where she was going today, only that she was going to head outside of AniWaya for a while. Ember wasn't much of a homebody. It was during her trip back down the hill that she spotted it, a discrepancy amongst all the white. Someone was there? The dark wolf started quietly toward the figure, stopping when she was within speaking distance."It's better if you boil it over a fire...but if you like it that way I'm not gonna stop you."


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