mirror, mirror
Firefly was standing out in the cold for no reason other than the fact that she found it ood the greyscale male had come back to the lands. Even more of a surprise was the sudden appearance of the male as he found his way out of Mew's den. One raised brow was what met the male other than silence as she realized it wasn't the male she knew but the ghostly pathedic soul that lingered in the shell. She smiled slyly as she caught the look in his eyes as he watched her as she watched him. Within moments it seemed that he finally had found his voice and addressed the Acer. Raising her head up slightly she gave him one of those looks that could kill as she asked. "Is it really a surprise?"

The smooth voice that greeted her made her wonder which one of the creatures she spoke with for the moment. Flicking her silky tail across her paws and then back to her side she asked. "Obviously you remember me, would it have been possible to have forgotten.." Her emerald orbs narrowed slightly as she wondered just what the fellow was getting at. Rising up to her paws she moved around the male, examining the creature that had come crawling back to the lands. "Are you attempting to try and forget me now?" she asked in reference to the den he'd crawled out of this day.

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