light it up
Very little got past Firefly and the sudden change of her cousin's emotions and attention made the young woman narrow her eyes slightly, the words that Mew reigned down for her didn't help her train of thought as she flicked her ears back and rose to her paws. Moving a step closer to the alabaster woman she replied dryly. "I'd never know you to compliment anything to do between your brother and I..." She wondered just what it was that had interested the woman before her so but there was no way she'd learn unless Mew told her. She was treading dangerous ground by stating the obvious truth but she wanted to know the one thing it seemed that Mew knew that Firefly didn't, and she would find out.

She could guess a million things, she knew a million things that everyone assumed that she didn't. There was no surprise to the girl that Haku was probably sleeping around, not probably, was, or atleast had been. She'd know even before she'd accepted the mateship what the male was all about. She also knew that he still would always come back to her because there was nothing the others could offer but a night of meaningless sex. Flicking the tip of her tail softly against her hindleg she waited for a response, knowing that this wasn't just a little game by that look that had passed over Mew's face.

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