lost companion
Sankor didn't miss the small little signs that she gave showing her shy nature and the gentle ways of the woman. He knew that every female could have a beast hiding within but he perferred the company of the ones that hid their wild instincts instead of ran with them all the time. He smiled as the woman lay down after he'd bowed away the rabbit to her first tastes. She had caught the creature and it was good manners to let the women dine first. He watched her curiously as she ate, the small little growl of pleasure made him flick his ears slightly as he chuckled softly before biting into his haunch and tearing at the tender flesh. The seasoned taste of the young rabbit was one of the grandest things he'd tasted in a long time, probably because it was the first thing he'd actually had in enjoyable company in a while, but he wouldn't admit that just yet. Turning his green flecked chocolate orbs to the woman he smiled softly.

While he had spent him time chattering away about the places he'd been and why he'd went there she'd listened quietly to his words and seemed to agree to the way he'd gone about exploring. His quick eyes caught the glance away at the compliment he had bestowed upon the blue woad beauty. It seemed she was fighting something as he watched her quietly, chewing on the bone between his paws the mahagony male saw something behind the smile she graced him with. He wasn't sure exactly what it was and her shy smile would have to be the thank you for the words he'd offered for there was nothing else she would grant him. He wondered briefly if he'd offended her so but she hadn't acted like she was annoyed or angry with him. Letting the thoughts blow past him with the breeze he perked his ears forward as the soft melody of her voice filled the void between them.

His tail thumped happily along his side as she spoke of her own travels, tilting his head to the side with questions that his orbs seemed to shout yet he quietly restrained himself the male asked softly. "Why were you running?" He could understand the need for safety in a pack, in numbers and in family but what she may or may not have been running from was more interesting than where she'd found her safety. "..Or what were you running from?" He decided to reword his question. He'd known many on the road that had ran from their past, or ran from responsiblities, she didn't seem like she was running from duties since she was here performing ones for her new pack. He didn't know her that well though.. which was why he was asking.

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