somewhere somehow
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Cercelee paused, she wasn’t sure why she had revealed herself. Though he had disappeared she could have followed his scent, so it hadn’t been fear of losing him. Like the rest of this strange game, it had all just been a whim. “I don’t know.” Cer replied simply and honestly, shrugging her shoulders and taking another step towards the male. “Maybe I was just tired of being a shadow.” That probably wasn’t it either, Cercelee hadn’t had enough experience of being a shadow to have grown tired of it already, but she couldn’t come up with any other explanation.

“Yes. If you’ll have me.” Cer had no where else to be and no where else to go, so as long as the nameless male did not object. Blue eyes brightened at the prospect of a surprise. “I’ve never had a surprise before!” At least no one had intentionally given Cer a surprise, she had indeed experienced unexpected events in the course of her life. Following the male, tail swaying behind her and clearing dust from the walls, Cercelee took in the dim rooms they passed through. “I think we should have code names, I’ll be Dreamspinner. Who are you?” Cercelee grinned at the male, they hadn’t after all introduced themselves, so code names were just as well.


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