This is only the beginning
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     The morning had been so peaceful that Leland had almost slipped into another sleep. Thinking on his day had left him calm, he had plans to go fishing and tap a nap, and the winter sun beat down warmly on his body. Any yet all that was jerked away from him in an instant as he felt a tug on his tail and then the sound of laughter floated up to his ears. Raising to his feet and quickly moving around the tree the husky caught the sight of a female frolicking away, pleased with her trickery. Leland hadn’t viewed Asha much from behind at their last meeting, but her scent had been memorized by the dog and with a grin, Leland set out after her.

     Long strides brought the husky closer and closer to the red wolf, but she was slim and lithe while his body was built for endurance. While Asha could keep one step ahead of her, Leland would be able to keep the chase up all day. Calling out jovially, Leland made sure not to lose the female, right out of his grasp. "I think we’d better call a truce miss, else I’ll be force to tackle ya."


image credit; lyrics

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