This is only the beginning

OOC: Leland shoudl totaly end up ontop of her XD Soooo awkward. Short, sorry! And wrong account to boot...


Asha was one strange and confusing girl when you got down to who she was. She had gotten her dad's pride and leadership skills, if you consider those good qualities. Yet, she was a procrastinator when it came to doing the work that needed to be done, such as building her home. Her ming was filled with ideas for the cottage like house. She wanted it big, to have everything in one room and to be open, relaxing. Obviously, this wasn't going to happen without some help.

As she ran from Leland he was hot on her tail. Lucky for her she could jump over logs and get inbetween trees faster then the larger male. Sadly, he was one fast runner. "Truce?" She panted, "That's a weakling thing to say!" With these last words she jumped over yet another log in a poor attempt of getting the male off her back.


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