mirror, mirror
She smiled darkly at the words of the male, knowing that she made him uneasy just standing before him. She liked the power she held over the male and yet she hadn't thought that she'd ever seen him again. While he had been the one to take control so long ago it seemed that in the end she'd won the war between their two souls. Lowering her emerald eyes slightly a wicked little grin crept back to her maw as her bright orbs found the golden ones of the male as she sighed dramatically. Oh how he invited her to play with his mind so.

"Would you want me again?" she slowly licked at the ruff of fur that spread across her breast as she continued on. "Your words may say no, but that's about all that does.." she said, the change in scent of the male and the way he seemed to follow her body. She paused in her grooming as she sighed and just shook her head. "Sadly though, to take me again would probably cost more than you're willing to give.." she said wickedly. She knew if she was ever to take a lover she would have to be cunning and smooth with it, and obviously now was not the time to take a lover, her belly beginning to round as she drew on in her pregnancy.

Flicking her ears back she tossed her head back proudly as she smiled. "Of course I've done well for myself, why wouldn't I." She always had the determination to be what she wanted and she'd worked her way up the ranks, there was still a bit of distance left to go but she had no worry of losing her rank or her hold on what was hers right now. This greyscaled male that now showed himself wouldn't change a damn thing. He was an underling and anything they may have had was long ago and well spent. Mew could have seconds on the beast, Firefly was through with him, unless he could prove to be worthwhile once more.

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