This is only the beginning
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     Bwahahah poor Leland.

     The girl continued to fly before him, just out of reach. Leland could feel his breath filling and leaving his lung, his heart beating in his chest, but all he focused on was blur before him. His suggestion of a truce had been shot down and the husky mix grinned, Asha’s taunting giving Leland a burst of energy, a second wind. With a leaping stride Leland collided with the female before him.

     Leland had over shot, having intended only to tackle her around the waist and quickly have them both on their feet. Either Asha had slowed down or Leland’s had sprung forward with more speed than he thought himself capable, for instead of finding his arms wrapped around her waist, he found them both on the ground, his body covering hers, arms and legs entangled. Attempting to pull himself free, and finding it harder than he would have thought, Leland was glad to have fur covering his face for he knew the skin beneath would flush red at their situation. Stammering, Leland pulled himself off the girl, "I’m sorry Asha.. Er you okay? "


image credit; lyrics

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