coat-hanger halos


Bane listened as the man intitially refused his title and his offer of food. The dark wolf kept his head facing the fire and the meat, but his eyes remained trained on the Dahlia de Mai wolf. Basic social courtesy stated it was rude to eat in front of a person. Bane wasn't starving. He was hungry enough to eat, but by his broad shoulders and wide chest anyone could tell he was healthy enough. The winter was being kind to him so far, but he knew the rough months would come in the New Year. He had survived it before, and he had survived it with less; he would live to see the end of next year, that much he knew.

"Let me propose a deal, then -- next time, we'll hunt together." The black wolf's insistence was obvious. He had spent much time living in a society that valued civility and courteousness, to the point a lack thereof was punishable by law. It was simply a question of whether this four-legged wolf wanted his meat raw or roasted. The fire was large enough to share.

As Lubomir continued, Bane lifted his head to even his gaze and look the other male head-on. He could see details quite clearly; the glasses, which had been necessary to skin the deer, made this a simple task. "I live alone," he confirmed, his curiosity piqued. With Lubomir's words, the doctor was reminded of his old home; his speech pattern was a familiar one, and Bane found this an intriguing thing. He smiled as the stranger finished.

"I am and I'm not. I was born in Nova Scotia, but left at such a young age that I don't remember having lived here. I take it you're not new here, otherwise you would have no real reason to remain." A chronic loner who joined packs for the hell of it then left a short time after wouldn't have agonized over his decisions like this Lubomir Varg seemed to. His regret -- perhaps his fear -- was obvious. "If you've convinced yourself of the wanderlust, Lubomir, what was it that originally convinced you to stay?"


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