Joining ^^
[html]OOC: Well, I arleady toke a look in the RPG guide. I'm sorry if I may seem quite incoherent, but English is not my birth language lol. Sorry again by taking so long to post, but I was somewhere else(where there is no in ternet ^^').[/html]

Catherine was getting tired with that four-legged position, but she felt a little unease of sitting near the Ember. A few moments later, her ears capted the presence of another wolf approaching. The wind blowed lightly in her direction, bringing the stranger's scent: a male, from the tribe, no doubt about it.
While Ember introduced the situation to the stranger, Catherine just stood and listened in silencem until the male direct the word to her. Feeling a little stupid, staring at the way the male was looking at her weird position, she answered him.
"Yeah, I guess so." - she took some time, trying to see her self hanging in a tree, watching the boundaries. It was easy. She continued - "I can do that." - she finished, glad that she wasn't feeling that hollow anymoe, near those somehow welcoming werewolves.

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