persistence, resistance
Her ears pinned back against her skull as she heard the sounds of books crashing to the floor and the girl trying to make it look as though nothing had happened. Sadly she had no clue what else the girl had destroyed but she shook her head as the woman tried to explain everything. "Don't destroy the place please.. we've spent enough time trying to make it presentable." Her voice was dry and slightly sour as she spoke. She didn't dislike the girl but she hated to see things destroyed that once she'd worked hard to keep up and running, now that her ability to see the beauty she'd helped to preserve was gone.

Flicking her tail back and forth she asked suddenly. "Why did you come back?" She knew she probably sounded rude now but she was just so confused and these new creatures that she knew nothing of were within the pack now and within her world. There was no comforting face to see before her, no one to get to know but a voice.. and voices could drive you crazy...

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