somewhere somehow
His soft brown eyes flecked with moss green seemed to sparkle as he smiled at the woman smiling at him. He titled his head to the side as he studied her for a moment with that smile simmering on his lips. Shaking his head he teased. "Ghosts are known for having bad reputations for haunting others.." He wondered if the woman would haunt him, not that he would hate the idea, it actualy was an interesting thought, but he'd rather have such a pretty haunt at his side and not just seen from the corner of his eye from time to time.

He knew that his declarations on the surprise to come had been over glamourous and flashy, he'd just gotten lucky when he'd found the prize in the crackerjack box. Walking side by side with the woman as her voice lingered in the air at the talk of their code names he smiled and raised his brow at the woman as he asked. "Ghosts haunt dreams.. is that why you're my Dreamspinner?" He chuckled as he sat back and watched her began her journey through the wonderfully strange world the humans once had posessed.

After a moment of watching the young Dreamspinner exploring her stage in this life he'd brought her to he smiled as she descended down the staircase and to the dancefloor beyond. He followed the beauty down the stairs slowly and sat at the bottom waitch her happily. His happiness seemed to suddenly disolve as he flicked his ears back and cleared his throat. "I'm sorry.. I'm not.." He didn't even know how to put it wouldn't seeming rude. They might look alike now, but they weren't made of the same stock. They came from two different worlds.. as try as he might he couldn't fit into her dreams the way she wanted.

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