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Mew Sadira
Word count: 482

A ripple through Firefly's body spoke of the disgust she felt for Mew, and Mew truly found delight in it. For a long time now she had felt that disgust towards her cousin, and it was a relief to know that it was mutual. It was much less complicated when they could just find agreement on the fact that they felt no form of affection towards each other, and couldn't care less if the other died. Perhaps it was Mew who was twisted to feel that way, but was another matter. All of her rules, all of her principles fell away when it came to this one, and she was free to lie and scheme as much as she wanted. It was low, and she liked it down there. Funny that petty behavior could amuse her so - she'd have to repeat the success one day, should she ever dig up suitable material. The smirk on the Ilex's face widened at the warmly colored femme's words but the mouth did not open to speak. Mew knew beforehand that Firefly was no stupid woman - even though her behavior sometimes spoke otherwise - and Firefly had thus realized that she held something quite larger than just the information that Haku slept around. Holding her mouth shut, she knew it would probably annoy Firefly better than more taunting. The smile lingered.

It did not falter when Firefly asked a good question. Mew had not always hated her, but ever since she saw her behavior live she'd not thought highly of the woman. Partly how she sometimes seemed to be offering herself to the males, partly because Mew knew she slept around. It was a stain on the Sadira family tree. Didn't the woman have any principles? It was disgraceful. And then she had found out that her childish games had also lured in Lubomir... However, Mew had not been mates with him - Ember had, and thus whatever it had been between Mew and Lubomir had also been wrong. He had not told her, however. He had left her instead, without a word. It had been he who had shattered her dream, and Firefly didn't really have that much to do with it. But the disgust had risen once Mew found out the different pieces of the puzzle. The Acer had done that to her own sister, while messing around with Mew's brother. It was too much, and there was not an ounce of respect left in Mew for this one, pack member and family member or not. The smile crawled up one side of her mouth, and Mew turned her head slightly to the side, looking at those green eyes that looked much like her own. Don't you worry about me, Firefly. It takes more than a loose little girl to shatter my dreams. Made of ice, and there was no piercing through.

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