somewhere somehow
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Cercelee smiled at the comment of her as ghost, imagining her haunting others. Was she even capable of it? The alabaster Rosea was not a malicious creature, even to those who had caused her harm she was able to grant forgiveness, most times. Live and let live, Cercelee tried to follow that mantra, repeating it over and over when she got into a sticky situation that tested her patience. Perhaps, at times, her words could become sharp, but physically or psychological harm was something she hadn’t, and wouldn’t, dole out– on principle. Perking her ears at the male, his next comment, Cercelee nodded. Yes, perhaps there was meaning behind her name. “Only good dreams though.”

Nightwalker descended the staircase as well, then they were both on the ballroom floor and Cercelee waited to hear her answer. It hadn’t been the one she had expected, but the truth did not make her flinch. However the male seemed to struggle with his answer, and Cercelee nudged him gently when she saw his disappointment. “It’s okay. I was just wondering... actually I wanted to dance.” Cercelee shrugged, it was no big deal, she had never danced before anyway and doubted she was any good at it.

Navy eyes connected with the warm chocolate eyes of the male, studying the emerald flecks embedded in his irises. “Actually, it’s kind of nice, in a way. I was beginning to think there weren’t any who didn’t carry the virus anymore. It’s refreshing to see some persist... or resist... or whatever you want to call it.” Cercelee let a giggle escape her lips, the lady didn’t know if it was just chance or perhaps his parents had indeed resisted catching the virus, it didn’t really matter in the end. Cercelee couldn’t think of anyone else who couldn’t shift, Slay never did, but she thought she remembered him saying he could. “It just makes you all that more unique.”


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