Strange and beautiful

She almost couldn't remember life before the fire any more, even though it had happened not even a year before. So much had happened...and so much had changed since then! She'd led Twilight Vale with Conri, and now Crimson Dreams with Savina. She'd had pups and raised them with her mate Anu; now they were running around the packlands themselves, making friends, having adventures. It was amazing. She yawned as she looked up at the cloud covered sky. How long should she spend out here? Maybe an hour or two would be nice. She could use the exercise.

She heard a sound and her head snapped around. She was so focused on the shout that she wasn't watching where she was going any more, and her feet slipped on the ice. Naniko fell onto her knees with her hands out in front of her, sliding a few feet more until she stopped. She looked back again, trying to pinpoint where the noise had come from, rubbing her stinging hands together. "Hello?"


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