I feel good enough
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... etable.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Table by Lin.

A sound. A scent. The dark male came forward, pressed by their son. Deuce brought her eyes down from the skies, smiling gently. The sound of her name on his lips made her smile widen. He moved away from Willow, but that was okay. The two would work it out on thier own. Her hand caressed the volume at her side, and then she released it. Now that her family was here, she felt a little bit awkward. "I left Phoenix valley for good. It just cpuldn't be home with all the hybrids running around. I couldn't do it anymore."
Would he understand? She lifted her eyes to the clouds again. "I wanted someplace where the children could be free from fear of the hybrids and coyotes. Someplace where I wouldn't be forced to accept them into my life and live in fear of them turning on me. My own Camelot..." Her voice was dreamy as it drifted off. Her eyes returned to him, refocusing on reality, not a dream. "On the beaches, I found a small cavern system...it would be perfcct for not just a family, but many families. A pack. A real pack, free from the dangerous kinds."
While Deuce was speaking to the male and thier son, Willow had lost interest in the ball. Instead there was a big black guy who smelled good. She made her way over to him slowly, hoping he wouldn't move away again. She sniffed his toes. He smelled warm. Her stubby tail wagged excitedly and she rubbed against him, laughing. "da!" She didn't know the word, but she knew her big brother used it when he spoke to the male, so the male must belong to her too.

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