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Kieran had done his share of wandering the lands, arriving in a new pack and doing his best to show his usefulness. Hunting was a big way to help out by providing food for those who could not get it themselves. It showed that one cared for the pack and was willing to spend time and energy on keeping it up and running. The problem bothering the male didn’t come as too much of a surprise to Kieran, considering that the two of them were standing by the storage.

Lucifer seemed very dedicated to this task, showing much distress at the low stock of food in the den. It was true that winter was a tough time for survival, and many would have to fight off the cold or hunger or both. Kieran nodded to his pack mate, showing that he understood why he was distressed. “Winter is indeed a very harsh season, but I think we’ll all pull through somehow. You’ve done a good job keeping the stock pile filled up until now. It’s just going to take some patience and a lot of hard work to get more food during the winter.” You could say that Kieran was the optimistic sort.


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