Haunt Me Every Day
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... anner2.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

He looked like he really liked the song that she had sang for him, and that made her happy too. But then he did something with his eyes that she didn't really understand. He kept one eye open and closed the other one. Was it hurting him? Was there something wrong with his eyes? Siobhan almost stopped bouncing to ask him, but decided against it. He looked normal now.

When Haven slipped and fell on her she stopped bouncing and fell onto her back. He was heavy, but not too heavy--it didn't hurt her at all. The bed that they had fallen on was really soft--that was probably why. She was busy thinking about how soft the bed was, and that Haven wasn't very heavy, and she almost missed what he asked her. Was she hurt? No. She shook her head.

Then something completely unexpected happened. He licked her nose. What did it mean!? Her head was reeling. He'd said that his family licked him a lot, to show him that they loved him. Did that mean that he thought that they should be family? But he was a wolf, and she was a coyote. Either way, the lick made her feel very warm. She wanted to be licked more! Maybe he would do it again. She had a little bit of trouble moving in the right way, but managed to lift up her head a little bit so that she could reach him. She didn't lick his nose but the underside of his chin, going toward his neck.


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