Strange and beautiful
The wolf that was also there came into view. A female adult that had a ponytail with green eyes. Flayra at first thought that she was going to be in trouble because of coming here, well, she would be because entering a packland if you're in another pack with no reason would result in a hurting in some way. Well, at least she was prepared for any consquence that would come to her for this matter. Even if at sight that a wolf looks friendly doesn't mean they are friendly.

The older female spoke. Flay was still afraid of what was going to happen. However, with some bravery, she lifted her head and replied, "Yes, I am stuck. I didn't mean to come here, I'm sorry." Flay then heard crackling sounds from under her feet. The ice was starting to crack. It must have been a thin layer, well, she near the icy ground, so ice would get thin near the edge of a lake. Flay stayed motionless, but cracks started to form. "Help me." She then just fell through the ice like a brick through glass. She was underwater, but she had problems swimming. She tried to get to the surface, but she couldn't make it. It was too much.

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