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Fuck it all. And Haku dared, Firefly knew he did. When the fire consumed them both, love and hate evolved into something nasty that stripped the world of all its rules. He was slowly being stripped till there was nothing left but the corrupted core that only could spread misery and venom. His hackles rose as if on cue when the female took a few steps towards him, snarling and hurling words into his face. Ice or heated fury, it was all the same to him. She made him sick. Her body made him sick. Her face made him sick. Everything about her had once been so easy to love. My whores deal with their problems themselves and do not come bothering me because they fuck up. This was her fucking fault, and she seemed too eager to blame it ALL on him and shower him with additional insults that she had let out of their former heated conversations. Whatever happened to the females after he had fucked them and left them was their problem and not his. Deuce had come for support but had been rejected. This was what he wanted to do with Firefly, but he could not. He fucking could not because she was his mate and lived in Dahlia together with him.

She refused and the world went black. You wont? His voice could almost pass by as surprised and blank, but there were dangerous powers rebelling further behind his eyes. You will get nowhere by doing this, Firefly. This is not one of your pathetic games. I should cut you up and remove the filth myself, since you cannot take responsibility and do what you ought to. They were better off dead, because their lives would be miserable as hell. With such parents, innocent lives could not live untainted, and Haku knew how horrible this would fail, even before it happened.


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