Strange and beautiful

She should have known that something like this would happen--she should have gone to the youngster earlier. Then they both might have made it off the ice safely. They could have spoken on dry land. The Commander dug her claws into the ice below her, the thick solid kind, and slid toward the hole. She didn't know what to do--the ice had come back up, covering up the hole that she had fallen down into.

Naniko thought for a moment. She would have to use something to break through the ice...but she had nothing. The werewolf backed a few steps away, then lept up into the air. When she came down on the ice she came down hard, with all of her weight, crashing a new, bigger hole in it. This time the pieces were so small that they could not reform and ice over again. Once under the water the search began. There was white everywhere....but then she saw it, the outline of the pup up against the ice.

In a few moments both were above water, Naniko holding onto the little one with one hand as she pulled herself up and over the edge of the ice. She slid back to the shore quickly, going down to her knees when she got there. She shook the pup a little, trying to get a response.


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