cats and dogs
She snarled in rage at the words he spoke, confirmation that he'd been sleeping around, even more so that perhaps there were things that had best been left buried were about to be thrown into the wind. Her heckles rose as she laughed in his face, he wanted her to believe that she was in control of this all and she'd fucked up all by herself. "Yes Haku, I crawled up on myself and made this ALL happen!" Her ears were flared back upon her skull as her emerald orbs opened wide in outrage. She knew that he'd cheated, she'd known all along and had tried to ignore it, you could only ignore something so long before it all just piled up and one spark would set the world ablaze. The sparks were flying now. "So how many of your whores are taking care of THEIR problems then Haku? HOW MANY?" she screamed as her heart raced and her blood boiled.

She could care less what he thought of her keeping the puppies, she might not want them and they might not need them but she wasn't going to do anything to make his life easier. He'd demanded her to kill them and she wouldn't, she wanted to make him suffer, even if she had to as well. She bared her sharp canines to her Lilium as she declared. "No one said these were games anymore Haku, it hasn't been a game for a long time.." The truth was out, though she still played at her games she hadn't played them with Haku except for mere times when it had been for the love and lust between them, but those type of games between the sheets hardly counted for anything in the eyes of the woman. "Why don't you.." she dared him, here he was threatening her life just to remove the future spawn that shifted and rolled within her. She was pushing him over the edge and she knew it, perhaps in the end she'd get what she wanted still

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