and we'll always endeavor
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It's pretty fantastic XD A little PP so he doesn't get chopped to bits!

Ears flicked as she heard a thud come from somewhere. Had it been from that thing she'd just toppled over by accident? But that didn't make any sense. What could possible be in there. But then her brother's muffled voice rang through the room. The dust had settled enough that she could make out his nose through the hole in the top of the wardrobe. She heaved an exasperated sigh. "Now look what you've done! Serves you right for trying to pull such a mean trick!" the Italian girl taunted. Savina walked around the large wooden object containing her sibling, a frown on her face. It appeared that the only hole in the thing was the one in the top. Much to small for anything large than a rat to fit through.

Now what was she supposed to do? Pulling the thing over had been one thing, but flipping it back to a side so the doors could be accessed? She didn't have the strength for that. "How in the world am I supposed to get you out of-" A glinting object caught the corner of her eye. Turning her head she saw it was a large metal thing, that appeared to have sharp edges. Both sides ended in a sort of crescent shape and there was a long handle. "I think I found something, hold on." The wolfess concentrated on shifting into her bipedal form, bones and muscles realigning after the span of a few minutes.

She walked over to the wall where the axe was hanging. After lifting it off of what had been holding it up, she had misjudged the weight of it and it clanged noisily to the stone floor. "Whoa!" It appeared that this would take a good deal of strength too, but she didn't see any other options. She hefted the weapon back over to the fallen wardrobe. "Ehno, you need to get as far to the back of that thing as you can. I'm going to cut this top part open." She waited until she had confirmation that he was safely out of the way. With some effort, she raised the axe above her head and let it crack down on the wood, splitting it open. With a few more swings she had more or less decimated the wood to a pile of splinters.

Resting the head of the axe on the floor she leaned against it's handle. "Now let's try and avoid me having to do that again, shall we?"


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