Strange and beautiful

OOC: Not again. Remove above post plz.

While under the water, the hole that she came through got covered by some ice that she couldn't break through. She managed to kick to the surface ice and trying to break it so she could get out, but because of thickness, she couldn't succeed. She had to get out quick, she was running out of air. She getting at that point of drowning. Her life flashed before her eyes. Her past memories, her parents, her brother. It all just went before her eyes in seconds. Her brother, she never eeven found her brother. She was too young to die. She didn't want to leave the world like this. Trapped underwater by ice. She wasn't losing it, becoming

Next thing she new, she was being slapped about with ground on her back. She was starting to regain, showing some breathing, but still sleepish. Another slap and she was awake, coughing up water from her lungs. She started breathe normally, however because of the water and the breeze that was coming through, she was shivering badly. It was so cold. She was lucky that Naniko got her out of the water, otherwise she would have drowned. The only Flay could remember was falling into the water, then she was struggling to get out. Then she past flashes of her past and that was it. She couldn't remember anything else.


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