somewhere somehow
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Cercelee shrugged at the question. It wasn’t that she wanted to judge him, but it just happened. And why not? “We all judge others, whether we admit it out loud or not. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing you know, admitting others strengths and weaknesses. You can’t be neutral to everyone, it’s just not possible.” There were always those you loved, hated and everything in between. Every wolf that spent more than a mere moment before Cercelee’s eyes under went judgment; most of them got a favorable verdict, Sankor included. “Does it bother you if someone makes assumptions of you? Even if they are positive?” No one really knew anyone else, everyone had so many faces. A lover might think he knew lady as well as she knew himself, but when it came down to it all he knew what was assumptions he had made about her.

Cercelee poked her nose into more fabrics hanging from the wall, letting loose a dainty sneeze as Sankor suggested their new game. Shaking out her fur and turning to the male, she smiled. “Okay, you count first. Close your eyes.” Leaving the ballroom and turning down a long corridor Cercelee knew she could cheat, shift and use her hands to access an area inaccessible to the male, but she wouldn’t. Cercelee wasn’t sure how much time the tawny male would give her but she did know that Sankor could easily sniff her own, which was why she back tracked over her paths numerous times until she chose a hiding place. Stowing away in one of the cabin’s, Cercelee had shoved herself into a cubby, probably used once to hang coats and blankets.


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