somewhere somehow
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The alabaster lady waited patiently for the male to find her, her thick winter coat collecting the dust that coated the closet in which she hid. It was strangely comforting, to be crammed in such a small space, certainly no one else could fit in with her, she barely had room to wiggle about. It was dark too, nothing to look at, smell, or hear. Completely isolated, it was the perfect place to let her thoughts drift and wander. Had she ever played this game with her brothers as a child? Cercelee wasn’t sure, but she could vaguely remember a game of it with Coli after they had both gotten settled in to Clouded Tears. Where was Coli now? Why hadn’t she returned? Cercelee did not think her friend would break her promise, but perhaps Haku’s presence would keep her away. After all this time Cercelee still found herself wondering whether Haku had been a proper choice for a Lilium, but it couldn’t be helped now. He was there, wasn’t he?

A voice broke into her consciousness, pushing the thoughts back to their corners of her mind. Walker was getting closer, calling out for her. To answer would be suicide, the end of this round. Yet playing such a childish game, with another grown adult no less (she thought Slay the only one who would indulge in her childlike antics) made the female grow giddy. The sound of the male’s voice, growing closer made her heart beat in her chest, a happy panic that she was about to get caught. She could even hear his footsteps now, closer and closer as he neared the room she had chosen. Slowing her breath she hoped he would overlook her hiding spot, hoped to win this round.


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