Flowers by the spring

The she wolf narrowed her eyes at the wolf. She didn't trust kindness. It wasn't something people did other then to get some sort of self gain. The setting suns light gave her grey and reddish bown pelt a shine. She kept sitting where she was her yellow eyes staying where she could see the male. His words made her frown and not comment. Why would the male offer her some of his dinner? Was he trying to get something? "Fine if you want to feed me go ahead." Svara said with an additude.

She watched him pass her up and move into the woods. Her out heart raced with the want to track and kill, but with her shoulder the way it was she couldn't even walk without everything in the whole forest knowing she was there. When he had left she sat there and thought about the male. Mostly the way his coat caught the light. Physically Svara knew he was handsome, not that she gave a rats ass. The smell of blood wasn't far off and the rabit.

Turning around she started back into the woods looking for the male wolf. When she found him she just watched him with the prey he had caught. At the moment she had nothing to say, so she let her stomach do the talking. A loud grumble emitted from within Svara. The tell tale sign of her hunger. She kept her eyes on the male wolf refusing to let him know she was actually thankful for his offering of food.



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