Breaking ALL the Rulez
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He had actually been in a decent mood, and had a surprisingly fat(it was winter, after all) rabbit dangling from his left shoulder that had been relatively easy to hunt down. On his way back to the cottage he had changed to luperci so that he could prepare the meat the minute he came home. He had developed a good taste for prepared meat, fried, cooked, whatever. In his world, he could explore the strange arts of cooking every way he wanted. If he ruined his meal, he could just throw it to Svara or eat it himself. Even though he liked rich tastes, Haku was very far from picky. What really would have triggered his excitement was to actually try a piece of canine one day. He had no issue killing them, so why would it be worse to actually make use of their dead meat? Oh, Haku was a disturbed soul.

It was soon clear that someone else was quite disturbed as well. His ears flattened as things were broken inside his cabin, but his body made no hurry, and he silently walked on, opened the front door without even a hint of sound, and closed it just as quietly. He peeked into the living room (or, what had once been the living room) and gave a mental frown when seeing Svara’s newest game. She was so busy that he was given a few seconds extra just to take in the view of a demolished home. Why did he keep up with this? Something definitely had to be wrong with him, because he was a man that could rip, rape and burn for no reason at all, and this little snot was really making an effort here.

He leaned against the entrance to the living room, rabbit still hanging limb and bloody on his shoulder. Her plain form had been bad enough, with her body jumping around and ruining every surface (she had fucking scratched up the kitchen table and the counter as well!), but now.. It was odd how his warm colored eyes could radiate cold. "You know that the more mess the more you will have to clean up, Svara?" His voice was stripped for any emotion, and it was just a straight message from him to her, without any sounding preferences or mood whatsoever. He would not be the one cleaning up.


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