cats and dogs
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I am not worthy.

His jaws snapped together at her laughter punched him arrogantly in his face. Oh, she was the victim. She did not listen. I know very well I also am to blame for this shit, but unlike me, you have- (or, had) -the power to do something about it! She was far from done, and there was always the possibility his words drowned in her next vocal attack. He sneered at her, leaning heavily against the mental chains that kept him from turning the snow around them pink. Her screaming after knowledge of his affairs was brutal, but he would grant her no answer, so that she could boil in the poison that comes out of the uncertainty. She could use her imagination. Instead of an answer, his throat produced a low growl as she kept going on. Games or no games, everything was a bloody game. He did not care, she had known what he had been when she had said yes to be his mate. She had known!

Why don’t you.. Fucking fair enough. His mind exploded and painted the world with shadows, and he took up her challenge. His movement was sudden and like a lightning striking the unmoving tree, and his body shot against hers. There was no flashing of teeth or claws, but the power of his knock would be heavy enough to throw her off her feet and into the ground.


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