This is only the beginning
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     The two toned male recoiled quickly, startled by her outburst. Mismatched eyes stared in shock as he pulled himself further away from her, unsure of what to say or do. It had been an accident, he had just been playing and now she was hurt. All the previous joy at seeing her again rushed from him and was replaced by guilt and shame. "Asha... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean ta hurt ya." His voice was soft, worried and he stood apart from the girl, afraid to go near her again, in case he caused her anymore pain. "Can I.. Could I do somethin’ ta help ya?" But what could he do? The damage was done. He couldn’t undo his mistake, couldn’t wrap his ankle, he had very little to offer her now and he felt useless and stupid. "I’m sorry." He muttered again, Dawali would kill him when he heard of this. The thought made his stomach roll into knots.



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