the war is endless; roaring forever
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Hah, I won't.

Swallowing her fear, Allegro turned her neck to face Pendzez again. No matter how many people told her blood was nothing to be scared of, and it wasn't, she never would get over it. Fights, if needed, were perfectly fine for Allegro. But she wasn't one for innocent bloodshed. Yet, she hadn't had any experience and technically didn't deserve the right to an opinion about fighting.

Allegro nodded swiftly, swallowing slowly. "Okay, I'll try. But, being me, I can't promise anything," She responded, smiling slightly. Then, focusing on what Pendzez had said, Allegro suddenly felt overcome with embarrasment and a bit of shock. Cute? She certainly had never thought of herself of anything near attractive, especially cute! Allegro smiled again, now thankful. "Why, I was taking a stroll and came across this place. It was exactly what I was looking for in a pack, so I decided to whole-heartedly join," Allegro rambled on, probably boring Pendzez. She was even boring herself.


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