Breaking ALL the Rulez
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AvsnittIn the kitchen, a small jolt went through his body as there was silence. She had not hit the couch. By the hard sound of the collision, she had hit the wall. Why had he done that? Throwing a puppy across a room. Fair enough, Haku was a harsh being, but treating a child like this? Sure, throwing puppies around was not bad, but even though it would take time to admit such a thing, he actually liked the little snot. The silence was worse than anything, and at the first sound of movement and something that might be a sniffle, he relaxed slightly. He gave himself a mental whip for caring at all.

AvsnittShe had been so full of herself and had wandered around like she owned the world, little brat. In return he had thrown her into a wall and humiliated her. Okay, he should not have done it. Something extraordinary now happened. Haku felt regret. He halfway turned and silently wondered if he was to go and check if she was okay. Apparently she was not too hurt, as a high pitched scream rose. He shook his head slowly and came back to the living room. She was standing there, a little bit shaken it seemed, but else from that all right.

AvsnittHe did not run to the girl and tried to calm her, because none of them were the right type for such sentimental bullshit. However, Haku surrendered. Svara would not spend her evening cleaning up the mess she had made. ”How about we go find that Flayra girl and force her to clean up tomorrow instead? The other Dahlia child had seemed rather dull and unsocial, so giving her something to do couldn’t hurt. ”Come on, Snot, help me prepare the food and I might change my mind about that empty belly. Haku was not one of those who apologized, but he had stripped her of the cleaning duty and changed his mind, something he seldom did.

AvsnittHe gave a gesticulating jolt with his head, a sign for her to join him, before he disappeared into the kitchen again, hoping she would calm down and come to help him (or just eat) with the food. With a talon he started to slice the rabbit open, starting from throat and down. Guts were thrown into the sink, but some of the fine organs were spared and placed a bit away from the butchering. He allowed himself to hum while working, because there were few things he enjoyed more than cooking.


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