the war is endless; roaring forever

Pendzez didn't see her pelt as a problem to argue about. It looked gorgeous aswell. Pendzez actually started to think if he was flirting or seducing her. Nah. He wouldn't do that. Then he thought that he... 'liked' her. With this, he probably did, but he didn't want to show or say it. It might mess things up. He just sat there, making a conversation with a new friend.

She then commented that Pendzez's pelt was gorgeous. The white Tenens was thankful and pleased. He didn't seem to argue. Pendzez examined her pelt again, trying to think of what to say. Somethings came to mind, but how to express it. "Your pelt is gorgeous, too. Grey and black gives you a good look. Fluffly and soft." Pendzez looked away to the old mill building that wasn't far away. Allegro was gorgeous with her pelt, just as Pendzez was the same.


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